
December 11, 2023

Is My Money Protected?

Following the news of BHI Ponzi scheme where the press is reporting losses of close to R3 billion by more than two thousand investors, many people are wondering whether their investments are safe. In this newsletter we delve into the various layers of protection offered to investors and things to check.
November 13, 2023

Why choosing the correct Investment Manager is critical.

The news over the past 2 weeks has been filled with articles about the fraud, the collapse of BHI Trust and the arrest of Craig Warriner. Initial estimates put the amount at R3 Billion at risk with hundreds of clients, some of which had their entire savings invested with BHI Trust. In this newsletter we highlight a few key things to look out for when it comes to identifying someone to safeguard your wealth and future.
June 26, 2023

What do the recent changes to the annual investment allowance really mean?

In late April SARS announced updates to its process when applying for clearance for your annual R10mil offshore allowance. This got some media outlets and industry commentators into a flat panic, with some calling this an end to the free flow of money offshore. We looked at the changes to the process and our view is very different. We also look briefly at the history of exchange controls and the changes that have been made over the past 30 years.
May 17, 2023

Your Trust May Need Attention

As part of governments attempts to avoid grey-listing earlier this year, some changes were made to the anti-money laundering act. These changes will mean some additional requirements when dealing with financial institutions, as well as stricter regulations for trustees who are outside of South Africa. While these changes are not yet clear, you may want to consider your options in the meantime.
April 24, 2023

How Much Do I Need For Retirement?

How much do I need for retirement? This is a question that scares many people and not knowing how much you need makes saving for retirement that much more difficult. How long will you live and how much will you spend? While this may be impossible to predict, there are some guidelines you can follow. Most people are not saving enough and only realise when it is too late, but we can help! We have looked at how much you need to save and how to determine if you are on track or falling behind. The earlier you start the better, so read this article and then speak to us.